Kevin Cawley - Retail, Commercial, Hospitality, Entertainment, residential, theatrical and City Beautification lighting designer

Hospitality Lighting

Effective hospitality lighting invites guests into a space and makes them feel special once they are there. It puts them in a good mood, even though they will not know the lighting is responsible for this.

The colour temperature of the lighting in hospitality spaces such as restaurants must be more somber than retail. The aim is to relax guests so they have healthy appetites before food is offered. Effective hospitality lighting allows for different control settings.

This is because different lighting temperatures and ambiences are required for different situations such as breakfast and dinner. For more on Kevin’s hospitality lighting, see his portfolio.

Lighting Council New Zealand
Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia and New Zealand
New Zealand Green Building Council
Standards New Zealand
Association of Lighting Designers
Pure Advantage - Green Growth for Greater Wealth
New Zealand Retail Interior Association
Canterbury Employers´ Chamber of Commerce